Getting Value from your Plan
Tips on how to get the most value out of your Plan:
- Use a Healthcare Professional in our network. This helps you avoid co-payments and helps your benefits last longer.
- Find a Healthcare Professional who has agreed to only charge you the Scheme Rate. We pay them in full.
- Have your procedures done in a day surgery or day clinic to avoid paying a deductible if admitted to hospital
- Manage your MSA wisely. Strategise your spending and take advantage of our Wellness and Preventative Care Benefits that are paid by Bankmed to help your MSA last longer.
- Use chronic medication on our formulary list.
- Avoid using your day-to-day benefits by registering on the CIB for chronic medication. Use medication on the formulary list (where applicable) to ensure you don't pay co-payments.
- Maximise your benefits with the Baby-and-Me Programme. If you're pregnant, consider enrolling in our Baby-and-Me Programme to preserve your out-of-hospital benefits for other medical treatments.
- Use a facility in Bankmed's Day Surgery Network and avoid paying a deductible for a defined list of procedures and treatments.
- Bankmed's Disease Management Programmes, Care Programmes, Wellness and Preventative Care Benefits, and Chronic Baskets-of-Care provide benefits and support without using your day-to-day benefits.
- Confirm your benefits beforehand to avoid possible non-payment for a procedure or treatment.
- Avoid deductibles by using our Day Surgery Network.