Bankmed News

Is your Life in Balance?

Bankmed is proud to share with you our latest edition of Bounce! We share interesting articles on how to maintain the balance between your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing to keep you healthy and thriving.

Teddy Mosomothane
Teddy Mosomothane

The bottom line is: There is no need to panic about the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill having been signed into law

Our most recent communication to you about NHI was on 27 February 2024 (attached for ease of reference and as background to this update).

Teddy Mosomothane

Collaboration: The key to a sustainable healthcare solution

The 2023 GIBS/PPS Healthcare Industry Insights Conference took place in Johannesburg at the end of August bringing together representatives from government, civil society, medical schemes and the private healthcare industry to address challenges and opportunities in the sector.

Teddy Mosomothane

Not all medical schemes are created equal: Better value sets Bankmed apart

Bankmed - a closed medical scheme created by bankers for bankers in South Africa - has been found to offer an average of 35% better value to members, compared to an average open medical scheme.

Teddy Mosomothane

Cholera outbreak: Here's what you need to know

A cholera outbreak, which has resulted in a number of deaths and hospitalisations, has been reported in certain regions of South Africa. Here's what you need to know about cholera, how to limit your exposure and prevent further spread of the disease.

Teddy Mosomothane

Happiness is an inside job," and Bankmed is keen to help you along the way!

I recently completed my Mental Wellbeing Assessment on the Bankmed App. The feedback is comprehensive and empowering, and completing the assessment is so easy. During this Wellness Month, I urge you to take advantage of these tools and incentives that are available to you, in pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.

Teddy Mosomothane

Your health is your wealth: Are you nurturing your most valuable asset?

Creating and nurturing wealth is one of many things that our clients do best, but it is generally accepted that the first wealth is health.